Running Tours

Another interesting trend is jogging excursions. Such leisure activities are suitable for those who are used to running in company and want to see not only the traditional attractions. You type “running tour” into the search engine and follow the links. Let’s say I found running tours in Barcelona, Copenhagen, and eleven American cities at once.

To see a city through the eyes of its inhabitants, it’s worth contacting any local running club and asking for a run. It’s a very interesting experience! No need to be shy: as a rule, runners are very welcome guests.

If you suddenly decide to go to an unusual place that the above sites don’t mention, ask the hotel staff where you can go for a run.

What to put in your suitcase.
Running stuff always weighs down your luggage a bit, but the new experience is worth it. I usually take marathon running shoes with me: they’re smaller, lighter, and you can train in them for a couple of days, unless, of course, you’re running in the mountains. Another option is to go straight away in running shoes, because you can use them not only for running, but also for long walks.

I try to take only the lightest running clothes: no cotton sweatshirts – only thin sweatshirts and tank tops made of artificial materials. No need for unnecessary running accessories, but if you’re used to running in compression socks, you can wear them on the plane – this will help to avoid leg swelling.

The most important thing is to watch the weather forecast. Whatever the weather forecasters promise, take a windbreaker: it’s lightweight, doesn’t take much space, but helps at any time.

Another argument in favor of traveling light – if you’re flying to Europe, if necessary, you can buy some details of outfit on the spot. I’ve done this more than once, and the items bought on the trip are often my favorite. In European stores there are more running brands than here, and often you can find unusual and functional things that will last a year. Take a closer look at accessories for running: we have a very sparse range of them.