Is it possible to train effectively while traveling

Yes and no. When you go on vacation, you have more free time, and you don’t have to try to fit training into a busy work schedule. And yet, few people plan to spend the vacations exclusively in the format of sports training camps. Most often, there are other plans for a vacation: to be with family, to go on a trip, to deal with household issues that were put off for a long time.

The mode of training on a trip depends primarily on the format of the vacation. It is easiest to stick to the schedule during a beach holiday: long promenades in resort towns are like specially created for running and motivating photos. Exercise and diversify a relaxing vacation, and add to it a little activity.

It’s harder to find the energy to run while traveling with a lot of moving around. If you have to re-fold and unfold things almost every day, there’s no more time or energy left to work out.

A schedule is important, but you can be flexible when you travel. And don’t blame yourself if you had to miss a run because of a busy day.

The main thing is not to give up training in general, and add to your routine a variety of physical activities: walk more, ride a bike or swim in the sea. Such a regimen, combined with quality sleep and rest from work tasks may well be called effective.

The main tasks before training
During the vacation, it is important to maintain a balance between the sports schedule and, in fact, rest. There is a difference between a recovery run in the cool of the morning and exhausting intervals, after which you barely have enough energy to get to the hotel. It is quite possible that after a hard workout you don’t want to walk around the city or go sightseeing.